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Natalie Stawsky
Foot Fitness Essentials for Pickleball: Move Better, Play Longer
Pickleball has taken the world by storm, and if you’ve been bitten by the pickleball bug like I have, you know just how addictive it can...
Natalie Stawsky
From the Ground Up: How Foot Health Shapes Your Well-Being
Let’s talk about feet. Yes, feet. You’re already thinking, “Why would I want to read about feet?” Feet, the things we ignore until...
Natalie Stawsky
Yoga e hipermovilidad
Dentro de la cultura del yoga se ha glorificado durante mucho tiempo la hipermovilidad. De hecho, la flexibilidad extrema se celebra en...
Natalie Stawsky
Yoga and Hypermobility
Yoga culture has long glorified hypermobility. Extreme flexibility is celebrated in most images of yoga. From BKS Iyengar’s book Light on...
Natalie Stawsky
¿Soy yo la única que no puede ponerse en cuclillas apoyando los talones en el suelo?
Cuando comencé a practicar yoga, noté que cada vez que estábamos en cuclillas, yo era la única que no llegaba a conectar los talones en...
Natalie Stawsky
Am I the only one who cannot squat with heels on the ground?
When I started practicing yoga I noticed that every-time we were in a squat position I was the only one who was not able to get the heels...
Natalie Stawsky
Interesting facts about the feet
We have 26 bones in each foot. We have 206 bones in the body and a quarter of them are in our feet. If our feet were created to be rigid...
Natalie Stawsky
Datos interesantes sobre los pies
Tenemos 26 huesos en cada pie. Teniendo en cuenta que el cuerpo tiene 206 huesos, podemos decir que cerca de un cuarto de los huesos...
Natalie Stawsky
Mitos sobre la meditación
Estos son algunos de los mitos sobre la meditación que pueden impedirte meditar: 1 - Para meditar de verdad debes sentarte en el suelo...
Natalie Stawsky
Meditation Myths
These are some of the meditation myths that may keep you from meditating: 1 - To meditate you must sit on the floor with your legs...
Natalie Stawsky
Las 5 cosas que puedes hacer para deshacerte de los juanetes
Estas son las cinco cosas que puedes hacer para deshacerte de los juanetes
Natalie Stawsky
The 5 Things to do to Reduce or Eradicate Bunions
When people suffering from bunions visit a podiatrist, the most common solution offered by the professional is surgery. According to...
Natalie Stawsky
El pie y su arco plantar
Sabemos que, si vamos a construir un edificio, necesitamos trabajar primero en forjar una base sólida. Basta con mirar a cualquier...
Natalie Stawsky
Los Juanetes no son hereditarios
Escucho todo el tiempo a mis clientes decir que sus juanetes son hereditarios. Seguramente eso es algo que escucharon también de su...
Natalie Stawsky
Bunions are NOT hereditary
I hear all the time my clients saying that their bunions are hereditary. They heard that also from their orthopedic surgeon or...
Natalie Stawsky
When I started practicing yoga I remember the teacher "adjusting" my body. Some of it will feel good, some felt intrusive and vulnerable....
Natalie Stawsky
Feet and Arches
We know that if we are building a structure, it needs a solid foundation. We look at any edifice and we can safely assume that it has a...
Natalie Stawsky
Yoga Intimidates Me
Yoga can be so intimidating! As a teacher, I hear people saying to me that they do not do yoga because they are not flexible. I also hear...
Natalie Stawsky
The stoic in me got ready for any outcome and prepared myself to have fever, flu symptoms, aches, fatigue, etc, but I did not prepare to...
Natalie Stawsky
Yoga Teacher Training: Misconceptions and Transformation
I am not flexible so I cannot do yoga
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